
Monday, March 1, 2010

Surprising Cauliflower

I despise cauliflower. I can't help it, I always have had an aversion to it. I try to like it.  At parties I eat the broccoli and cauiflower.  Growing up I would always eat it if there was cheese covering it.  But really, not my cup of tea.

Until today.

See, I found the best recipe ever.  I am now converted.  I want some more!

I found the most amazing recipe on Country Living, and am going to share it with you!

What You Need:
  • 1 head cauliflower florets separated into 2-inch pieces
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 tablespoon cumin seeds, lightly crushed 
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon sherry vinegar (I didn't have sherry vinegar, so I used rice vinegar)
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
What To Do:
pre-heat oven to 425*.  Place cauliflower in a large roasting pan and toss with oil, salt, pepper, and cumin seeds.  Roast until florets are tender and lightly
golden 30-40 minutes (20 minutes was sufficient for mine).  Meanwhile, met butter in a small pan over medium heat and continue to cook until golden brown.  Sprinkle with vinegar and pepper.  Transfer the cauliflower to a serving dish and toss with the brown butter and parsley.  Serve immediately.

Absolutely surprising.  The cumin seeds and vinegar really give it a pop of flavor while roasting it mellows out the flavor.  Wow, I am even salivating just thinking about it now.  Wow.

Buen Provecho!


mub said...

Aside from just eating it raw, roasted cauliflower is my absolute favorite! I'm bookmarking this for when cauliflower isn't costing €2.50 a head *L*

Trish said...

So when I was at the raw food meetup here in San Antonio, someone made this really good cauliflower pate. I feel the same about you about cauliflower normally so I was surprised that it was in my top 3 of the food brought that night!
Also I discovered that a lot of cooked vegan meals can be turned into a raw meal. Like Tam's lettuce wraps for example. Way good! You might consider trying it out sometime. :)

Anonymous said...



Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love cauliflower,
very healthy vegetable.